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Welcome to the escrowagent.co.uk website

The Internet offers a global marketplace for consumers and businesses. But crooks also recognise the potential of cyberspace. The same scams that have been conducted face to face and by post and phone can now be found on the World Wide Web and in email, and new cyberscams are emerging. It's sometimes hard to tell the difference between reputable online buyers/sellers and criminals who use the Internet to rob people. You can protect yourself by learning how to recognise the danger signs of fraud and by using our escrow services.

usaIn the USA, the National Internet Fraud Information Centre report that losses due to internet fraud are significant. UK agencies also report that internet fraud is on the increase.

How can you be sure that the other party is who they say they are - you only have an e-mail address? What happens if the deal falls through for any reason? If you are a buyer - how do you know that the seller has proper title to the goods? How can you verify that there is no outstanding finance? How do you know that the goods will be delivered or handed over to you when you have parted with your money? If you are a seller - how can you be sure that the buyer's cheque won't bounce. Will the buyer pay you before you release the goods to them? keyboard


You can eliminate entirely or significantly reduce the risk of fraud by using our escrow services.


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